My 10 favorite plants of 2022 (HARD DECISION!) Matthew Schwartz2023-03-26T10:17:44+00:00March 26th, 2023|Categories: Listicle Videos, Videos|Tags: Blechnum, Columnea, Elatostema, Fern, Lindsaea, Nautilocalyx, Pinguicula, Selaginella, Sinningia, Urticaceae|
Vlog #3 – Plants, Gadgets, Brancharium (and more!) Matthew Schwartz2022-08-06T08:22:22+00:00September 10th, 2020|Categories: Build Reveals and Shots, Terraria & Other Builds, Updates, Videos, Vlogs, What's Blooming|Tags: Begonia, Carnivorous Plants, Cephalomanes, Distilled water, Elatostema, Fern, Fogger, Hymenophyllaceae, Petrocosmea, Pinguicula, Reldia, Water|
Elatostema sp China Matthew Schwartz2023-01-18T06:45:30+00:00February 2nd, 2020|Tags: Blooms - White, China, Cool grower, Elatostema, Indirect light, Intermediate grower, Lithophyte, Low light, Medium light, Moist-Grower, NOID, Pendulous, Serrated, Small, Urticaceae, Warm grower|